Friday, August 29, 2008

Givin' it a Whirl

So, I thought I'd give this blogging thing a try. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to write--I've got a lot going know, with growing, eating, and sleeping--not to mention learning how to sit up and to keep my food down. But, I hope to post often so I can share with you my new adventures and observations. This is a pretty fascinating world and my mom says I'm a pretty fascinating dude!

Here's a picture of me sitting in my room, which is all decked out in airplanes. I've started to notice them a lot more, especially while Mommy's changing my diaper--there's not much else to look at but the ceiling. Uh, back to the airplanes (sorry, I'm only five months attention span is pretty small)--they're really cool and Daddy seems to know a lot about them. He tells me that he's going to teach me how to fly one one day! That would be SO neat! Me and Dad are the bestest buds.
Gotta go to bed now. Y A W N!


Anonymous said...

Cooper,this is a great blog. I am glad to be the first one to leave a comment.I feel like you are a really handsome dude and over the years I think you will get a lot of comments.I love you very much and always remember to be the best little boy you can be. Love,Grandad

Aunt Debbi said...

COOP! I am so glad you now have your very own blog!! Now I can sign in anytime I want to and see your cute kissable little face!! I just found out about this blog today, so don't think that Grandad loves you more just cuz he was the first to post a comment to you (haha - just kidding Grandad).I hear you are wanting to start crawling and that very soon you will have a shiny little white gem sticking out of your gum. Then you know what that will mean - you will be getting closer to eatting "The Daddy" kind of food : pizza and creme pies with strawberry icing: YUMMY!.
I am sleepy too and I think I am going to crawl into my bed, like you have already done. Sweet dreams little angel~ I will see you soon.
I Love You - Aunt Debbi

Anonymous said...


I love your website I wish I had this when my little guy was a baby. Your mommy and daddy are two very special people to have someone as sweet as you in their world. God sent them a special package and I know they are going to do a great job with you, look what they've done so far.
Take care and I look forward to reading and watching you grow up.

Love, Dana

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mr. Coop! I absolutely love your blog. And, since I live so far away, I am excited I will be able to see how you are growing and changing whenever I would like! Do me a favor? Promise your mom and dad that you will not cry or fuss once during your drive to PA, ok? Maybe they will visit soon if you do!

Love you lots and can't wait to see you again!

Auntie Jen